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Solactive AG to take over Administrator role

Solactive AG to take over Administrator role

AMSTERDAM, 7 December 2023 – In an ongoing effort to streamline the Global Property Research (“GPR”) index construction and maintenance with its parent company Solactive AG (“Solactive”), GPR announces that Solactive will take over the role of Administrator to GPR Indices (see list at the end of this document) as of 1 January 2024.

GPR conducted a public consultation on the transition of the Administrator role, which ended 31 October 2023. In the absence of any adverse feedback, GPR formally confirms its intent to transition the Administrator role to Solactive.

Transitioning the Administrator role to Solactive will not impact the benchmark services GPR provides to its clients. The transition of the Administrator role is purely an administrative procedure and results in a more efficient regulatory set-up. Any responsibilities of a Benchmark Administrator under the Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 (the “Benchmark Regulation” or “BMR”) for the GPR Indices, will be assumed by Solactive, itself a registered Benchmark Administrator under BMR with the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (“BaFin”). This results in the expiration of the oversight function, as represented by the GPR Oversight Committee. The existing Oversight Committee at Solactive will take over the regulatory oversight obligations.

To align with the change in the Administrative role, a revision of the relevant documents will be undertaken to accurately reflect the change.

All reference to GPR being an Administrator on the GPR website or in the Benchmark Statements, ESG Factor Disclosure Guideline and ESG Methodology or any other relevant document (as can be found under, will be changed to Solactive.

To the extent the change in role has implications for the contractual agreements in place. GPR will reach out to the relevant clients.

List of GPR Indices
GPR 250 Index
GPR 250 World NET Index
GPR Americas Top 40 ESG Index
GPR Asia Pacific Top 30 ESG Index
GPR Dutch Small Cap Index
GPR EMEA Top 30 ESG Index
GPR Europe Balanced Index
GPR Europe UK 25% Capped Net Return Index
GPR Global 100 Index
GPR Global NETTO Index
GPR Global Top 100 ESG Index
GPR Sustainable Real Estate Index Europe
GPR US REIT Balanced Index
HVB Asia Index
HVB Europe Index

Further information can be obtained by contacting:

Jeroen Vreeker            +31 6 51189481
Floris van Dorp            +31 6 45456211

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